1) Salman Rushdie Meets Haddis Alemayehu in Nega Mezlekia's new novel "The God Who Begat a Jackal".

With a critical acclaim and a place among "new international novelists", Nega had earned himself not only a name but also an expectation for even better novels. His fresh off-the press novel, "The God Who Begat a Jackal", in many ways, confirms Nega's immense talent of story-telling and imagination.  Read More here....


2) Ye-Ertra Guday [The Eritrean Affair]: Ambassador Zewde Retta

Review of "Ye- Eritrea Guday" [The Eritrean Affairs] 1942-1963 - Ambassador Zewde Retta's Much Acclaimed and Best Seller Book.

Reviewer - Professor Negussay Ayele.


3) Wit and Wisdom of Ethiopia: Professor Negussay Ayele.  

A new book, Wit and Wisdom of Ethiopia, prepared by Professor Negussay Ayele has just been issued by Tsehai Publishers and Distributors in Los Angeles.  As noted in the Preface, the book represents an endeavour "to share with the outside world the wit and wisdom of Ethiopia which is too good to be kept bottled up in the native language of one land."  Professor Negussay Ayele, who compiled, translated from the Amharic (Ethiopic) and prepared Wit and Wisdom of Ethiopia with Introduction and Annotations, is an academic who has taught for twenty five years in Ethiopia and in the United States.  For more info please click here:

4) Mesqel - An Ethiopian Family Saga. By Fanouris, Mellina and Lukas.

A captivating account of the triumphs and tragedies of an Ethiopian-Greek family.

5) A Rasta's Pilgrimage: Ethiopian Faces and Places (Neville Garrick). Read-Review here by N.Ayele.





Read Professor Negussay's Review of Neville Garrick's Book: "A Rasta's Pigrimage: Ethiopian Faces and Places" here.  Dr. Negyssay writes: .... A Rasta' s Pilgrimage: Ethiopian Faces and Places elevates one's artistic appreciation of and respect for Ethiopia, its peoples and their unique history in the first instance and the beauty and power of quality photography as well...Click here

6) Gorfu Contra Nietzsche: Iasu Gorfu.

* Dr. Fikre Tolossa (a noted Ethiopian writer and poet) writes: In a book entitled, "Gorfu Contra Nietzsche", published by the prestigious Vantage Press, Iasu Gorfu, an Ethiopian thinker, poet and writer, the son of Zemenfeskedus Abreha, a thinker and writer by his own right, exposed the philosophy of Frederic Nietzsche, the German writer who has influenced Hitler and other Nazis and Fascists tremendously. Most of us know Nietzsche as the author of the philosophical allegory, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Iasu Gorfu delved the bulk of his works over the course of many years and unfathomed their quintessence......

"A brilliant attack on Nietzsche's political philosophy." writes another reader.

"Ethiopia on the Web" interviewed G.E. Gorfu. Click here for full text.

Authors: If you have written a new book or article about Ethiopia or her people, you could contact Samuel Kinde for a possible review and inclusion to Ethiopia on the Web.